Waluigi finally joined the battle in Super Smash Bros, who is gonna win the tournament? WAAAAAA!
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Waluigi vs Mario, Luigi, Sonic the Hedgehog, Kirby, Pikachu, Bowser, Peach and many more!
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Animated by Nicola Giacomelli
WALUIGI joins the battle in Super Smash Bros
by Lokman Video
#waluigi #smashbros #Lokman
¡Everyone is waluigi!
Walugi time
oh no,kirby!wait…if waluigi killed every smash character,and meta knight is a character who appears in smash…SOMEONE KILL WALUIGI!
so this is what hell looks like
Piranha plant-
Doesn’t that mean waluigi killed his brother?
Dokey kong vs merio
Waluigi memes should die in a fire (and all memes in general)
mamma mia
1:55 song is Not Dead Yet!
waarld of light.
This was the smash bros we needed.
Get rid of the rest of those rubbish characters and just have waluigi, know what just call it “Waluigi Ultimate”
Well it ain't happening!
Waluigi the virus
sonic can run faster then waluigi
Stupid Waluigi Memes
Where is ganon
1:43 Lyrics: Call me papa
Sonic is too slow!
Waluigi but with Kirby’s copy ability
I feel like there's a deeper meaning to this… I mean what's the point in fighting if you're the only character. Depressing voice
That's why I hate waluigi he killed Sonic and Kirby b
now he’s the only character
nao acredito que o wauid sugo a kirbi eo pikachu
Waluigi the polterguster
Ok waluigi is go 2 far dis is not right
2:30 i like how you always do the T-pose at the end
That's because why he mainly appears in Mario spin-off games like Mario Tennis games (Mario Tennis 64 introduces him), Mario Party games (starting with Mario Party 3), Mario Kart games (except Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart 64, and Super Mario Kart), Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix, and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games franchise (where he and Peach were became Skill/Technique type characters). He also appears in Super Smash Bros. games as an assist trophy twice 3 times. (Although Little Mac, Dark Samus, and Isabelle were became from an assist trophy to playable characters, thus far.) His appearance as a playble character instead of an assist trophy getting a famous meme.
When waluigi is crying I cry yeah so don't make me cry agin
1 like all characters saved and 1 waluigi dead
Did you have school or what
Sonic is as fast as the speed of light
R.I.P Wario and the other smash bros characters
Sonic noooo
2:09 Lok a mia
Waluigi 's revenge to take over ssbu
1:56 wan we can bicam bicam bicam kkkkkkkkkkkk
This is why I hope Waluigi never joins the roster.
Looks like 1v1 is the only game mode you can play
Ew waluigi
Waluigi de Betis ir más lento
This (will) be completely true
GumbiNo more like Lokmino
What Mario Doing With Peach 0:11
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa he won’t be in smash Nintendo will never (i don’t hate waaaluigi
1 Like = Remove Waluigi
waluigi waaa's into battle
Make part 2
And Thats Why Waluigi is An Assist Trophy
This Is Weird 1:59
2:11 mamamia
I don't like waluigi
He's not in smash but he's a trophy
eu odeio o waluigi
you have no idea?
you have no idea?
Wrluigir is an ashou
When is part 2
Kirby noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Como pudo haber
absorbido a meta knight?
No wuluigi can no join the battle
4 players died by the game happened crashed 2:03
All Video Games Customers R.l.P
No sonic no no no no no eu for o dever joga
O wiluigi você vai me pagar
Vou chamar o thanos pa derrotar waligi
Fuck waluigi
Excuse me, Lokman, can you make more video like Super Smash Bros 8bit version on the Last Video? I want to see a new Super Smash Bros 8bit video.
You made me hate Waluigi.
I think Wario is also … by Waluigi
Como demonios waluigi alcanso a sonic
Nintendo add waluigi to smash or else I'm coming over there and doing it myself
Please put waluigi for smash
Walugi shouldn’t be in smash Bros
That They Just Say : You're in . That was funny
How all the game characters fit in that Poltergeist?!
Just got 500th comment
Waluigi sucks
You are in the video! Lokman
Super Smash Bros: WaluigiEdition
Villager survived because he’s not 8 bit
Great Lokman!