BALDI vs All stars part 1 is here, stay and learn in Baldi’s Basics in Education and Learning!
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What if Baldi’s basics in education and learning was in Pac-Man, Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog games?
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BALDI vs All stars
by Lokman Video
#baldi #sonic #lokman
No it isnt 12 minutes cuz there are 9 ads.. LOKMAN NEVER DID SOMETHING LIKE THAT
The way
lokman is the best
What baldi
I hate you forever
Luigi killed baldi finally someone with logic
Missing your animations ? The horror !
11 meme
Morra baldi
Isso prova que sonic é mais buro do que o mario
comenta jaja
Is sonic some kinda joke?
GO LOKMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pacman is floting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1:28 fjdjdjdjdjdjdjfjfnfei 2:03 djdjdjdjdjfjfififif 2:09 nu Died 2:34 won!
Quien hizo los subtitulos?
All ads
9 midroll ads in a 13 minute vid? Shame
그는 ㅏ ㅗㅗㅑㅕ
Actually, I don't need to subscribe to ANYONE'S channel in order to see more of their videos. All I need to do is click your username, go to your videos, and then click one.
3:29 cave song plays on land map
It is 70 you know the one word Mario said the horror that question
Giant balid run
Wtf it sonic?
look like it’s sweepin time sweep sweep sweep
:v slap slap
Muito bom
Mario wins
I wrote all the answers to my SAT "banana" and totally aced it
thanks dude!
Why is the sonic one so accurate
The characters look so weird!!
Bienvenida a mi escuela soy baldi Por eso tengo mis fotos tengo en el juego de Mario con Sonic y con el mono que no me acuerdo cómo se llamaba Así que comenzamos las matemáticas 2+2=?
Sonic you idiot those questions were so easy
Mmm teacherr baldi i know 40 + 60 =100
Am i right teacher baldi
Vai sonhando babaca
1+1= banana 4242414314:1242414= banana 234X43= banana baldi: i cant belive it you incredible me watching the video: wtf
Finnaly.Kill. The. F***. Baldi
1:58–2:02 Since when did gotta sweep goes 50% faster than sonic??
Класные мультики
Do you know da wae to room 98
The average player can do better than that
Çox sayda reklam
العديد من الإعلانات
Te veel advertensies
በጣም ብዙ ማስታወቂያዎች
TOO MANY ADS in every language that stars with "A"
The more you know
1:33 m a r i o w a s s e x u a l l y a s u l t e d
The way Mario is drawn is super adorable! <3
So stupid video! Why can't sonic just kill he and not answer this stupid answers?
How Baldi can become Blood Falcon in the F-Zero GP Legend?!
i saw pacman
How do Mario, Sonic, Pacman and Donkey Kong appear in Eddsworld?!
The floor in Sonic vs Baldi vs Pacman resembles the Minecraft floor texture
Nice animations
baldi baldvester
Da wae!
Sonic Blue arms =
Sonic boom
This is modern And classic Sonic or Sonic boom
No dabbing in the halls
6 billon years for you
Your parents are going to hear about this one
Baldi basics animation 0:20
Baldi vs mario 2:46
Saben subtitular y no saben escribir :/
Baldi’s Basics Will Be OP In The World! (My Country Too!)
Parece que el que lo traducio al español fuera un niño de 10 años… debe de ser un mexicano por la ortografia….
Mui Matemático
Sonics eyes are way to close to each other!
luigi is win
I hate these grafics
Donkey kong è un genio!(banana)
Lokman you videou the best
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 2=9?¿
How much midroll ads did you put here
Letta ottimista
1:08 when baldi come suddenly and strange sounds it creep me out
1. 0:22
Baldi vs mario, sonic, pacman, donkeykong.
Winners: Baldi and donkeykong.
Mario was brought back by principal and was killed by baldi, sonic was killed by gotta sweep and baldi. Pacman was killed by baldi right away because he didn't have hands.
2. 2:51. Baldi vs mario.
Draw: Baldi was burned by mario and thrown in lava but was revived 2 hours later.
3. 5:22 Baldi vs mario
Draw: mario was killed by principal of the thing. Baldi was killed by Luigi.
4. 8:23 Baldi vs Sonic.
Winner: Sonic
Reason: Baldi was eaten by pacman.
Do sonic vids
lokman sen olsan ne yapardın bütün soruları bilirmiydin ama ben biliyorum ne yapıcan bu konu da
Problem1 3+2=??
Baldi:now it's time for everybody's favorite subject math
Me:say no one ever
Sonic is not smart
Fgfddfdsds Vgfvfd. Fffdxxcdgggehd’d’x’x’x ggdffbs’xkdkeldkeké’dnssnsnsndbs dvvdvsvsvsvssvsxssg#23