Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 vs PACMAN & SUPER MARIO & SONIC The Hedgehog and friends KIDS Game Animation

What if Cristiano Ronaldo also known as CR7 will play vs Super Mario Bros, Pacman, Sonic the Hedgehog and Donkey kong?
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This is the best Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 animation on internet, go and see more funny videos and animations on my channel LOKMAN VIDEO

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Beatrice Garogalo

Script and direction:
Angelo Varano

Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 vs PACMAN & SUPER MARIO & SONIC The Hedgehog and friends KIDS Game Animation
by Lokman Video

#Sonic #pacman #cr7


  1. Pó da atenção pra outros personagens do mario tem o toad o yoshi e ainda outros que você podia colocar coloca outros personagens também que nem o kirby banda na dee e outros personagens o video tá ótimo mas é só colocar

  2. Great video. Sonic would have a major advantage in sports. He runs faster than mach 1, basically making him un-touchable. Second, he can spin attack (including spin dash, spin jump, etc.) which is a really powerful move. Third, he has competed in many sports events before, as seen in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games


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