Sonic The Hedgehog (2019) – Official Animation

Watch the new Sonic The Hedgehog animation, the untold story about our hero.
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Filippo Di Piramo

Sonic The Hedgehog (2019) – Official Animation
by Lokman Video

#Sonic #SonicMovie #animation


  1. 0:59 Oh boy! Call 911 Uh, Hello, 911. There's a Hedgehog lying down on the road next to the Pillow Truck at 'Curve C' area. Huh? Look at his phone What! No Signal! Look at the view Oh yeah! There's no reception on 'Curve C' area. Ah well! Push Sonic under the Pillow Truck Uh… Sorry, Sonic. Looks like you have to get back on your own. Run as fast as he can I'm Really Sorry!

  2. Glad to see Jim Carey back in a quasi comedic role. He's been too somber lately. Feel like Steve Carrell did the exact same thing. I can appreciate wanting to be respected for your craft, but it was your comedy that made you famous and your comedy that built your fan base. Don't forget about the guys and gals who were there during the climb. Hope the movie is successful.

  3. What happened to sonic born hedgehog is pee the pants have a girl friend and those two said jug the DNA after sonic turn into sonic the hedgehog have speed and fastest and rings

  4. Igonnkbkjjxu,nfjnfnvbbvbvbvbbvjfbfffhm…Mjjuhihjchvvvhbbvhvhhvvuybbgbbbbbgbbfbfbfcfcffcfcdfhfhbfvvvvvvvgfcccgvfhfjbfjfjbfhvbhvbfbfbfhfhfjfbhbfnfjfhvbvhbhhhvhhbvjvjvhhhvhvjhvhhvbjvjnvjhbhbhfbdjhfjvbbhvbhhjvhvhjfbfjbfjfbjvhjvnvjbfhvnnjnjvnvnvjjfnjhvjgjjgjjgngjgjvjgjjjvnjvnjvnvhvnnvnnvnnvnnnnvhbnnnvjvnvnvhvbhvvnvbvvjbvhfhvhvbnfvhvnvvvnvbbfjbvbnbbnbvnvbbvnvbnnnvnvnnnvnnnjvbvjjdhyuufhfuhfjfjffjuvjkjjujnfjnvjvhhhvhvhhvhhhvhhhhhhbbvhvhvnvnhvvnnbhbnbbnbnhfdjdfjfhhdfjdfjfcnfdvhvvvvvvvvvvvjdfvjfdjfdjjvvvvvdffdvhjdfvdfhvdfvfdfhbfdvbhhfduvhuvfhhvfvd+cfhvgynnshxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjjjnjnnjnjnjjjnjjjjjhbchvbvbvvbbvb vbbbhvbhvhvjvhhvbvhvvhvhvvnhhvvhhvhvhvhvhvhhhvhvhvhvvvhhhhvhhvuvnvjhvvuvhjhcjchjhvvhhhvjjvjvjvnvjvjvnvnnjvjvjvjjvjjvjjvjjvnjvnvnvnvnvnvjjvnvjvjjvnnvjvhjjvjvjvjvjvjvjjjjvjvjuvhvjch


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