Super Mario with Luigi and Wario get helped by Steve from Minecraft against a lot of creepers!
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What if Super Mario, Luigi and Wario met Minecraft?
This is the best cartoon animation available on the internet!
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Beatrice Garofalo
Script, direction and music:
Angelo Varano
Final video edit:
Lokman Mouatamid
STEVE helps MARIO and LUIGI vs Minecraft CREEPER
Produced by Lokman Video
#mario #minecraft #steve
Like lockman
Brazilian this me
I'm not sure of what sort of black magic this is
that's a good video. i like it!
0:27 PewDiePie!
Musica grabiti ful
1.1k views and only 121 likes!?
Well I'll give a like, now its 122
Edit:now its 500 likes
Mario :))
Mario FallsTM
Non vengo da mesi ma eccomi qua, vedo gli iscritti 300.000 mila in più, basito bravo fratello
This animation video that you made, and animated for us to watch on YouTube today Lokman, was so great, and amazing, and awesome, and good, and pretty, and cool, and incredible, and outstanding, and spectacular, and splendid, and funny, and hilarious, and beautiful, I love, and enjoy, and like this animation video that you made, and animated for us to watch on YouTube today Lokman! Fantastic job Lokman!
Gravity fails
Oh hey again, hi
This Crossover is overwhelming!
Mario Gang 🙂
Look minecraft is in 3d now and you made a 2d parody for it you really need to work on a 3d model lokman
LOKMAN vs Mario!
Do you Like ctr nitro fueled?
I love the Gravity Falls intro. That was a nice touch.
Super Mario and Lightning Mcqueen from Disney Cars
wow good video
Me gustan tus bideos
يا اسطور
Like it 😀
Awesome have a wonderful weekend LOKMAN
Cool 😀
Stranger things !
Why the fuck the title sound like a fan fic?
I like how you included Gravity Falls music in the beginning
Why does creeper make zombie pigman sounds??????
Stranger things !!! + gravity falls!!! + minecraft !!!!! + mario luigi and wario!!!!!
Lol, nice Gravity Falls & Sonic theme. What's next, Star VS the Forces of Evil theme song?
Look like mario is confuse!!!
The Sonic Background song is beautiful, although it has nothing to do with Mario and Minecraft
Bad ending?
Kung fu panda vs baldi
Gravity falls music
Yea green hill music from sonic
Pozdrav ljudi 🙂
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Disney Channel
Disney television animation
Next video idea : Pokemons VS the future is wild
Pretty cool
Creepers sounds like pig mans
1:14 Nice reference to stranger things
earned a new subscriber keep up the good work bro!
0:04 gravity falls
Thanks for using my suggestions to make a video Lokman.
Creeper win hello neighbor?
Minute 0:03 Gravity Bros
I couldn't help but notice the Green Hill Zone remix despite Sonic not being in it at all.
Awesome piece of content. Keep up the great work! 🙂
Why Weegee and Malleo?
Graviti fals?
In The Portail
Is have sonic music not
Just gravity falls
Gravity Falls
Gravity Falls theme in the freakin back ground
Mario and Luigi and wario is riding a bike but wario found the mushroom but it's a trap wario creeper kidnapped wario Christmas lights said H E L P it's seems help wario Steve and Mario and Luigi rescue by wario defeat by creeper
When Luigi said "Who's number one now?" at 1:23, he actually meant, "I've got an idea!".
Hello lockman
If you listen closely, you find out the music is a green hill zone remix.
al principio es la canción de un programa que dan en Cubavision a las 4:15
y luego la de sonic
What is this music I love it
Why Stranger Things dimension talk…
Stranger things spoilers
make Friendly creeper
2:07: ugh! This is why I hate creepers! Destroying such cool things!
Yea if you like this video and sucribe and ring that bell
You Stole that from gravity falls
Gravity Falls Music
Xx. Car,ttyyggyyytya Hyggygvgggvxsddsddcc. Jjjjhvgubbuufgh. Hjhgh jhhhh hhhhhh jjjnnnnn mmjjmmmmmjhijhjjjj
2 mag 2019
Creeper boom boom boom!
I like it