STEVE helps MARIO and LUIGI vs Minecraft CREEPER

Super Mario with Luigi and Wario get helped by Steve from Minecraft against a lot of creepers!
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What if Super Mario, Luigi and Wario met Minecraft?
This is the best cartoon animation available on the internet!

Check all my other videos on my channel and please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more cool stuff

Beatrice Garofalo

Script, direction and music:
Angelo Varano

Final video edit:
Lokman Mouatamid

STEVE helps MARIO and LUIGI vs Minecraft CREEPER
Produced by Lokman Video

#mario #minecraft #steve


  1. This animation video that you made, and animated for us to watch on YouTube today Lokman, was so great, and amazing, and awesome, and good, and pretty, and cool, and incredible, and outstanding, and spectacular, and splendid, and funny, and hilarious, and beautiful, I love, and enjoy, and like this animation video that you made, and animated for us to watch on YouTube today Lokman! Fantastic job Lokman!

  2. Pozdrav ljudi 🙂
    Želim samo da Vas obavijestim da sam svoj YouTube Kanal premjestio na novu URL adresu.
    Novi Kanal možete pratiti na URL adresi:

    Hello people 🙂
    I just want to let you know that my YouTube Channel has moved to the new URL address.
    You can track the new channel at the URL:

  3. Mario and Luigi and wario is riding a bike but wario found the mushroom but it's a trap wario creeper kidnapped wario Christmas lights said H E L P it's seems help wario Steve and Mario and Luigi rescue by wario defeat by creeper


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