Super Mario vs Sonic the Hedgehog in an epic animation, who will win this amazing race?
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No rules allowed here! Sonic and Mario are determined to win this race!
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Animated by Maniac Mizuto
6 ways Mario can beat Sonic in a race
by Lokman Video
#Sonic #Mario #Lokman
Sonic siempre será mejor que Mario
Nintendo is powerful XD
Nooooooooooo! Sonic
No se vale eso que esta haciendo Mario esta haciendo trampa
Another shit video they do not know any of the base abilities where are the super sonic reflections, their speed 9 times mvs ke the light is serious these fucking shit videos should be prohibited they know what the scam is please these incidental videos should not exist Vallance of this fucking shit
eso es una macanada y es hacer trampa
Mario is basically cheating with all the power ups
Mario despierta del sueño
mario tranposo
Ree exaggerated Mario always beats sonic, fake and liar.
Ree exagerado Mario siempre le vence a sonic, falso y mentiroso.
No me gusta:(
Si podrias dejar de ser un idiota
(Mario) haha i beat sonic I'm better (other sonic's) WELL LET'S SEE ABOUT THAT
en la primera el sonic perdió por pendejo
en la segunda grande mario, grande
la tercera nadie gano una carrera
en la cuarta, senda puntería tiene mario
la quita es poder del guion
y la ultima es mafia
Tonto mario
I'm not sure about the first one but the other ones yes cuz he cheated on the race to win
nice exept sonic runs near the speeds of light so by the time he starts hes already won leaving mario no time to do any of this, but this is for entertainment so good job
Mario tramposo
Ok but isn’t he cheating because he would get disqualified and sonic would win by default
heeeeeeeey what
Shadow le gana
mario tranposo
la estrella de Mario no hace que sea rápido como para exagerar y Mario no lograría darle con la bola de nieve ya que Sonic es muy rápido aparte Sonic ya hubiera llegado a la meta y peor lo de la tubería aparte el único Sonic que presenta dificultad al agua es el de Sonic X Sonic hubiera nadado o correr sobre el agua también el misil no le hubiera dado a Sonic porque el tiene buenos reflejos.
Mario's star does not make him fast enough to exaggerate and Mario would not be able to hit him with the snowball since Sonic is very fast apart Sonic would have already reached the goal and worse the pipeline apart from the only Sonic that presents difficulty when water is that of Sonic X Sonic would have swum or run on water also the missile would not have hit Sonic because he has good reflexes.
Mario es tramozo y es una m####d
Mario es tramposo :0
Dude Mario is more Cheating then race
Good job Mario 😉
Os dislike são para os fãs do ouriço azul
Jaja mario gana y sonic gana
Mario: kick Sonic
Sonic: fall down the lake Oh!!
Me: dislike
mario mas tramposo que nunca XDDD
Mario=Gumball, Sonic=Johnny Test
sonic is nine times faster than light wouldn't give you time for anything…
Thay Sonic is of sonic mania
Sonic has a very stupid voice
That's totally imposible, Sonic can do fastest than light so in some miliseconds Sonic can arribe to the goal, and if Sonic had powerups like Mario, like transformacions or shields, Sonic wins anyways.
Go marioooooooooooooooooooooolooooooooo
Me encanta este canal aunque no esté en español :3
o mario so ganha roubando
Sonic puede romper hielo rapido o si lleva un escudo de fuego no se congelaria.
It’s still cheating lol
But wiout noting
Arrivederci is italian goodbye
se ve claramente estas apoyando a mario las estrellas no te super velocidad
trampa ase mario
Osea 6 formas de hacerle trampa a sónic :v
Then u relise Mario is cheaating:
Heres to How Finsh The PAIN TELEPORT
I know this is kinda a video made for fun, but 1/6 wouldnt logically work. (or 2/6 if you count the water one)
0:26 Sonic wouldnt wait. (even if so i dont think a star would give that much speed.)
0:43 Sonic would had gotten to the flag pole before the pipe spit out mario
1:00 uh..would tottaly work, but i dont think sonic would had let mario hit him down so easy.
1:16 The iceball wouldnt be fast enough.
1:33 This one would work, but the recording kinda lies, sence mario would have to do a spin jump to break the monitor.
1:56 Sonic wouldnt die in one hit. if anything he would have some rings on him. Oh and i dont think mario is THAT FAST, he wouldnt be able to get to the flag pole before sonic did even with the slow down the bullet bill did.
How Mario Can Win From Sonic In A Race
3-Water(Maybe Cheating)
4-SUPER Cheat
6-Cheating Too Lol
Lol Why I Do It
Lo vence pero con avilidades no limpiamente
Mario hire an killer to kill sonic :')
increíble animación eres mi fan LOKMAN.
Like the old original stories: the turtle beats the rabbit in a race. Edit style: the plumber beats the hedgehog in a race.
Well yeah… All of this is true… Within the Sprite Animations universe XD
No tiene nada de sentido esto ._.
This video is the most stupid and nonsensical I've ever seen in my life, I saw the first 40 seconds, it was too absurd at first, a star does not grab extremely fast, as soon as it runs a little with a star.
Cheating Mario means cheating you
Mario wanted to race his rival Sonic in the race
It is not to say that I am a Boy fan of sonic, although I like it does not mean that it is Boy Fan of sonic, adenas also I like mario, let's get to the point, let's deny some "Ways for Mario to beat Sonic in a race ". I know that it is only an animation but let's take into account how they are in video games. The First: What the hell? The first does not make sense since how can Mario improve his speed with a star? I don't know if there is a Power-Up for that but "It doesn't make sense" haha The Second: This at least makes sense, but here I speak of "errors" because how can Mario fly off as if he were in a cannon? The Third and The Fourth: These do make sense and without any mistakes The fifth: Although the fact of the Box that can move people to other Places is true, it does not make sense to be able to change places with Sonic, It is like saying that the box changes its place to Metroid for Mega-Man The last one: WTF? How come that cannonball didn't kill Mario? They will tell me that they are in different positions next to each other, but that is impossible since it is a 2D world, also. Why would Mario team up with a Goomba? shouldn't they be enemies? Ok I'm done and before you say that this is a Hate to Lokman this is just my opinion. If you see this, I say that you make very good animations and your work is very high quality and very original. Ok I retire: p.
Fucking mario
Solo hizo trampa Mario Bros y sonic es más rápido que súper Mario
2:03 Mario: Heres the mushsroom, Koopa Troopa.
2:29 Mamma Mia!
False fake Mario is stupid
That's cheating you're disqualified from YouTube