What if Sonic the Hedgehog was really slow? Eggman, you know you can’t win!
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No rules allowed here! Sonic and Mario are determined to win this race or parody!
Check all my other videos on my channel and please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more cool stuff
Animated by Maniac Mizuto
If Sonic was SLOW
by Lokman Video
#Sonic #sega #slow
Taste your own medicine by saying your too slow
R.i.p he cant save nobody
Laggy people be like:
Sonic: quien es más lento ahora YO: dash
What title should be: sonics worst nightmare
oops i farted
If he was slow his name wouldn’t be sonic
0:47 ué se o Sonic não consiguil passar pelo loop,como e que depois ele conseguiu???
So basically Sonic Labyrinth.
Aunque seria muy difícil jugar
If sonic was slow.
Sonic: I'm never going to financially recover from this.
Sonic el jeshejojo (search it in yt)
When you try to run to the bus in the morning, but your legs are still adjusting
If sonic was slow then our childhood is not gonna be the same.
This is if sonic was in space
bad ice cream 3 on hudgames is so fun me and my bestfriend like this game
Do if pac-man could get fatter and fatter
did you know I'm Sonic
but I'm not slow
Guat el titulo aparece en español pero cuanto entras al video el titulo esta en ingles wat
Sure I love this sonic is to fast
so what's next
Pac-man can't chew dots?
Mario can't jump high?
Donkey Kong can't throw barrels?
Baldi banned from teaching?
Edit: I need likes
Finally Sonic Walks
When my iPad lags:
Yes I do use iPad.
Gotta go slow!!!
gotta go fast:gotta go SLOW
Sería un desastre
1:19 change your'e mind from steven universe with sonic crossover comfired
Eggman is fine. Everyone knows he's faster than Sonic.
Wait but the hard boiled heavies don't help sonic
Sonic 1 PAL Version Be Like (PAL:50 Hz NTSC:60 Hz)
slow? WHAT!
What if lokman was stupid
I will never subscribe to your channel
If sonic has same slowness as his speed
I guess if Sonic is slow he is Slownic now
Wait thats illegal
Why did the egg,an robot help sonic?
I dislike this video bc sonic is never slow and you know that
I build up speed for hours, it's obvious that I'm fast
Hahahaha what a funny video sonic is slower than a turtle right
At the end sonic goes fast
Whats the green hill remix name called?
NOOO SLOW why…? :"c
0:54 YES!!!
Si sonic es lento metal sonic lo seria no?
If Kirby couldn't fly, he'd never be able to complete the levels.
Pobre Sonic, sin su velocidad no es nada
If tails has sonic powers. Please make this
No fast
And eggman no win
Jajajaja xx
Hey Guys do a like for the eggman,s slow infection stops and Sonic back to the real speed
Who's too slow now sonic
If Sonic's slow why is Metal Sonic fast?
Sonic fast
Mario is faster than sonic
That is slow sonic like mario
Finally mario can beat sonic in a race
Fuck this video
Mario: that how it feels to be SLOW!!!
If sonic as slow
He would be fat
now i think your just a hater if sonic. 😐
Sonic your to slow
It’s switched.
سد.جفط.انب.بجنط.دنج.انآ.جسظ سح.
oh no Tails died:(
Hes not slow. Hes having lag
Koopas are faster than turtles
Sonic too slow
LOKMAN you're A MARIO FAN you hate sonic I'm mad at you alot I ise to be a fan
The cartoons had Sonic's speed be taken away too.
Sonic is much more faster
Sonic after watching this: "Heh, jokes on you Lokeman! No one will find your body!"
What if Sonic the Hedgehog was really slow? Eggman, you know you can't win!
GET FEATURED IN MY VIDEOS! ▶ https://goo.gl/2Kep7D
Please support my channel SUBSCRIBE ▶ https://goo.gl/qNKzhx
Watch the other episodes ▶ https://goo.gl/B2z6LP
No rules allowed here! Sonic and Mario are determined to win this race or parody!
Check all my other videos on my channel and please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more cool stuff
Animated by Maniac Mizuto
If Sonic was SLOW
by Lokman Video
#Sonic #sega #slow
you don't played sonic labyrinth?
Sonic in lost World (the slowest sonic XD)
Slow fan alert