What If Mario and Red switched places? Here is the answer!
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Mario and Red switching worlds for the first time ever, are you ready for this epic animation?
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Animated by Maniac Mizuto
If Mario and Red switched places
by Lokman Video
#pokemon #Mario #Lokman
that princess peach part was so disturbing
If red and ash switched places
Red: oh my god it’s a shuckle!!!
This sucks
Seizure warning at 1:10 for whoever needs it.
Red caught the thot
I wonder what moves Red'll teach peach? 😉
I'm just gonna point out that peach has to do what Red says from now on. Let that sink in.
YouTube recommendation…. slow as always :-
we all know what happened to peach ^_^ hahaha
red is always be red no matter where he is and what he does
I Pokemon sono mitici
Red throws balls faster than the eye can see. ; )
Red caught Peach.
Is that legal?
Eh, screw it. Good video.
That was hilarious
Red be whipping those balls at everyone XD
1:30 that was easy
I love how red's doing so great but mario always ends up beaten by every pokemon ever
(and don't mind my grammar mistakes my english sucks)
Miiight put an epeleptic warning there for these flashes-
Where is the "Gotcha Princess Peach Was Caught" ?
so what happen to his turtle pokemon? as soon as koopa killed those three goombas… we didn't see him again lol
The animation was pretty good, but the fucking video itself was stupid.
But my question is, how did this work? Red can't even get over an ankle high bump
1:10 ay man seizure warning next time. Pikachu muked up a lot of people before he could do it again. No seriously
And I'll save my master ball for bowsette
And thus, the Mushroom Kingdom entered a new era of darkness…
Nice job man
Why would he catch Princess Peach? She's a human, they have humans in Pokemon, Red should know the difference.
So this is how smash came to exist.
gotta catch em all
should have gone more better
smb2 peach???
Well, when you toss a pokeball at another Pokemon, it instantly becomes loyal to you, regardless of how badly you beat it up, or how badly it tried to beat you up. No other factors considered. As long as you caught it with a pokeball, it'll forever obey your every command.
So what's red up to catching peach with the master ball?
Editing is super impressive
Well Mario had a shocking experience with Pikachu lol.
I would love to see a series where Red goes through different Mario games. I think it'd be interesting what enemies he would catch!
Red will complete the Mushroom Kindgom pokédex if he catches Mario
And The Princess was never seen again.
Jajaja pokemon lo ase sonar super facil a mario
Reds specialty is battle so this is legit except for the vowser and peach thing red aint dumb but yeah mario would probably be fucked unless he was smart like paper Mario but generic msrio 1-3 is not really smart
1:09 Seizure warning.
why masterball after all the princess is eaay to capture xD
Throw dem pokeballz
Should have added pokedex entry for the Koopa.
Green Koopa.
A turtle. Koopas walk around mindlessly bumping into one another. They will even walk off the edge of the world.
No logic
Hey! Red's going to have to go through the correct paperwork. Only Bowser is allowed to capture Peach! Red is only a regular boss, where Bowser is grade A, 100%, prime cut FINAL boss!
But red can t jumps
Sooooo red just enslaved a princess
That has hentai written all over it
1:09 wooow!!!! My freaking eyes!!
Peach is a human
Mario gets screwed, Red just throws pokeballs at everything
So… Red is a psycho, huh?
I have no problem believing that.
No offense but the part where mario gets shocked by pikachu can give some people a seizure.
1:50 music please
Solution to all problems: Pokeballs
Red is boss at super mario bros. compared to mario in pokémon XD
What's the music that starts at 1:51?
Nice animation bro very smooth
Umm that’s not what would happen….. red would get killed cause Goombas don’t go in poke balls
Mario would jump on pikachu or any Pokémon in that case and no NOT die but instead squish the damn thing
I put a like but who's red
Next Video Is Megaman Vs Baldi
But red can't jump
Why does it look like Pikachu zapped a hole in Marios pants and you can see his penis now
Red should go to prison
Road to 600k ! =)
Soooo reds a sexist, who new?
Catch the princess!!!
A gamer sei passato ad animatore….
No matter where he goes….red will always be the best pokemon tamer
Doesn’t pika he know Mario from super smash bros?
Oi eu sou tord
Mario is always in world 1, he is very bad at saving peach.
Red is an asshole lol
Red could have captured bowser with the master ball instead of peach
lol love it
Why is there no seizure warning
That kid has one heck of an arm.
Red can't catch Bowser, but toadstool?!?!
1:55 Hahaha he got hit with a pokeball
You Shall Pay For Such Sins
Pra essa princesa eu dou minha unica master ball
Red is better a both games both Mario his just bang in a pokemon
2:05 to end 8 bit woman abuse call _–___–___
If Mario and Yoshi switched places (fearured LEVEL UP)
I wonder what he'll do with the princess now…
it’s ash
Rip peach
Red: right? I can’t capture villains
1:53 B O N K!
Super Mario and Some Pokemon Dude Swapped Places