Epic crossover of Pacman in Super Mario Bros Level 1-1
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Watch how Pac-man tricks Super Mario Bros on this epic funny animation.
Is that the better way to do it?
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One Way Pacman could EASILY complete Mario Level 1-1
by Lokman Video
#Pacman #Nes #Lokman
Dat Goofy scream tho
can you do q bert vs donkey kong?
1:15 Polska
How about you just put a bunch of waffles wait for Pac-Man then just give them the game over screen with a fire flower
Video cool bro
Nothing beats Pac-Man using his trusty Warp Pipe shortcut to get from one side of the maze to the other, especially here to dodge that Goomba and clear the level.
Then Mario with the fake Warp Pipe cannon and the Goofy Holler.
one way luidi could EASILY complete sonic 1 atc 3
How about the show in 2013 1? Slightly eats every color of ghosts. Sometimes Scared ghosts.
Kirby inhales Mario. Will Kirby have a second chance
Tough Life
La grande fuga di Pac-man
References at the start, to the teleporting side walls in Pacman
I subscribed to you i like your videos also i like the goofy scream at 1:24 also can you do Pikachu vs Donkey Kong
Good Video
Well that was easy for pacman
then lakitu drops a spini on mario
Top 10 anime crossovers.
This sucks ass
You do nothing compared to level up channel
I love pac man.
I like your video.
Only said 1-1, didn't say complete 1-2
I love your Videos. They are surely a much of work
Are you the adaim in level up
Called it
Tough life
…As saving Princess Peach for almost 40 years.
Loved it plz do sonics next I love your crossover videos
luigi is more worse than mario. HE TRICKED SONIC!!!!! luigi sucks
Lokman padu yall
Best youtuber
The horror.
Hola hablas español lokman? Oh wait.. That's Italian
Wouldn't pac-man get stuck in the infinite level
Remember getting over the flagpile?
I thought pac man was about to eat a power pellet
Deal With Mario?
id love to see him take on a castle eventaully
We like your voice
Pac man logic makes this true
1:24 Pac man doing the Goofy scream, that always cracks. Hahahahaha I love that.
Too much!
But Lokman, there is an invisible block right next to door on the right side, exactly where Pac-Man went through.
0:12 PAC-man are you (a) NOOBing
Sonic ñew fútbol
Mario malo
Hi Lokman your character looks so cute dressed as Mario. Please do more funny videos like this. They are so funny.
One way pac man can beat 1-1 but not 1 -2
I guessed that would of happened lol
No good
413,496th sub…er
this is literally a copy of LEVEL UPs __ would be op in super mario series
What is this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
So tru
Yea Nice try
1:20 so THAT'S why the lower pipe shoots you out on the second stage in Cat Mario
If earth is flat… explain this 0:25
XD I Love the show's that you put on at the ending of the videos your good LOKMAN I like you
God does this guy have no shame, blatantly ripping off other people content
Mario really doesnt have any iconic classic levels other than 1-1
Tough Life (Thug Life)
What's the victory music?
1:38 thug life
fuck you
Que malo. Es mario
Not thug life…ok
I love your videos LOKMAN. Please make more.
Wow mario and luigi are both number 1 non one got number 2
Easier way: Pacman Can eat the floor and go under the castle
And easily rescue
Mario vs Pacman "Let's settle it in Smash!"
Pac-Man still had a life left over
Good video though
I have a Mario you have a Pac-Man we mix it together IT MAKES A PAC-MARIO
Lol the funniest thing ever it showed the “though life” meme at the end 😀
Pac-Man start!