It’s showtime! Pac-man versus Kirby for the final battle! This is the ultimate fight in history!
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Pacman vs Kirby
by Lokman Video
#Pacman #Kirby #Lokman
Plagiat pichi fnaf
It reality, Pac Man would've gotten destroyed.
My father wins yeeeeeeee
Kirby should have ate pacman
You should make a part 2 where Kirby wins
pacman vs gumball
its showtime
pacman 1:39 to 1:42
Kirby was supposed to win
Yes pacman wins
Pensé que iba a ganar kirby pobre
Kirby was kinda cheating (ALOT)
Porfabor. As. Un. Bideo. De. Pacman. Vs. .peach
Que Bueno que pacman se comio a kirby
Pac-man just got lucky Kirby will eat anything.
Lokman pac-man vs YouTube
The end does not make sense kirby should have killed pac man since he inhaled the ghost. Why did he turn blue ?
2,9 milioni di visual, grandissimo lok
i love pac man and sonic
like yoy lok man
Go Go Go Kirby
Pac-Man would die by seeing the ugliness of Kirby’s smash bros Pac-Man ability and this Kirby wins…
Ok. So there was no power pellets at all in this video? Huh…
Kriby nooooooooooo I love you
Pac-Man vs Pac-Man
Can Kirby be friends with Pac-Man
KIRBY should’ve won!
Kirby can suck the hole map
Kirby lost ;C
Hunger Games
Le doy un like es padre
One of the few and rare videos that pacman claimed the victory.
My goodness! Where can I hear this on YouTube?!
10 outta 10 video
Kirby dead
No Power Pellet thing i am scared ghost anyway
I’m watching this because Kirby’s in the video lol
Pacman wins!
Sorry but yore merge is to high
Идиотская игра нахрена выкладывать ее непонятно
I’m not even mad that i got eaten. I mean i would’ve done the same to him
I mean pie-o
Poor Kirby… 🙁
True and true to lokman
Now kirby knows what its like to be eaten
who will win?
The pink eater or the yellow eater?
Poor kirby!
Kirby wouldve won though hed just eat pacman
Like : Kirby
Comentario : Pac man
Why you do that to kirbo?
Нувот pac men съел нещасную kirby
Pacman: PINK!
Kirby: YELLOW!
bad awful you suck I hate you
Firey's revenge
Poor cutie Kirby.
Way you do that to my pink boi.
Buy LOKMAN merchandise
Pac-Man VS Kirby
Who Will Win? Pacman
yay pacman won
Kirby wasn't even really trying to fight Pacman. The only time he even looks at him is at the beginning
nooooooooooooo kkkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Finally Kirby's dead
Пакмэн сильный персонаж
Make more Pac-Man VS. videos!!!
Im hate this!
what is this pacman remix name
Wow That’s Cool
how pacman is so good
I love Pacman game.
I want pac-man to win
Pacman vs kirby! Kirby eat dots vacuum. pacman: oh No kirby eat dot vacuum! Fast! Kirby: wow! Eat dot vacuum Powers pacman: aaaahhhh the kirby! Kirby: yes win kirby hehehe! You: win to kirby.
Pacman wins and well I'm going to cry 🙁
like in this comment if you are part of the Kirby team
1:38 ooiiiiiiiii HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!