Pokemon Trainer vs Kirby in this Super Smash Bros Ultimate battle!
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Who is gonna win this epic parody battle? Pikachu will stand against Kirby?
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Andrea Asperges
Custom sprites editing and animation – Sound
Stefano Baldin
Compositing – vfx
Pokémon Trainer vs Kirby
by Lokman Video
#pokemon #kirby #lokman
So I guess Kirby won and killed Pokémon trainer and took his clothes
Wow! Unexpected!
Weird seein' Red in Gold's room.
Thanks a lot Kirby. >:(
Kirby wim
God damn Kirby :v
I hated that fight because Kirby lost to a Master Ball
Yea Kirby
Kirby has a knife
nice 😀
If Kirby inhaled red
Wait…. the r e were no running shoes then
Red is tramp
where's wobbuffet using mirror coat when you need him?!? (or mr. resetti).
Alternatively, summon ditto, have it transform into kirby, and then charizard-fly away to beat the explosion ( i think that happened somewhere…).
You should try fortnite Battle Royale animation
This is rlly good quality tbh!
Moral of the video: Do not abandon your pokemon
don't worry red didn't save the game
Awesome piece of content. Keep up the great work! :))
C'mon keeby!
2:43 Wow now thats gonna make me catch em all
Do a video on sans
R.I.P. Prof. Oak…
Soooooo who won?!
No one messes with the little ball of destruction and chaos
WTF 2:34
VIVA KIRVI!!!!!!!!!!
Pokemon Let's go Pikachu!
Booo eliminen a kirby rojo gano y ya
Good video
So basically Kirby inhaled Red and copied his abilities
Red cheated
Wtf did I just watch
i hate so much to se pikachu to lose
thats so embarassing
Why does Kirby have to win? That sucked
This is buy far the most creepiest episode you have ever made
Don't mess with the pink manes Kirby
I voted pokemon trainer
Kiby is stated to have infinite power
R.I.P red
i love this video
U son oficial b#_"ch wtf Bro
So if Kirby inhaled Red, and so Kirby is red… Who won?
Missingno memes intensify
Uhhh…what? Wtf happened in the end?
Kirby's now a Pokemon named Poyo.
Probably Kirby is Pokemon called Poyo
Do you make episode 4 of baldi vs sonic
Kirby Destroyed Ashs House!
If red call mega charizard then Kirby loss.
Awesome! Great job, Lokman! 😉
Dislikers are Pikachu and Pika brothers
Bro, why kick it off the ledge? You just wasted a masterball?!
Mentors qerbe ganaria
what if red uses creppypasta :v
What the…..
Ok did Kirby win
I think Red won
Our real winner is KIRBY!
Um pokemon trainer kirby isint an pokemon
red just got kirby then died
I choose you Kirby!
And rip red 19?? – 2019
you should have used charizard to fly
So.. Who won??
Poyo wins!
lol tie
So happy Kirby won thanks for letting Kirby win lokman!
I love Red's smirk before he throws the Master Ball.
This is so Stupid
I swear this is so stupid
Weite wohe won
Wtf Kirby isn't even a Pokémon
The only thing is pokemon can get out of their pokeballs if they do choose
kicks master ball
Excuse me Kirby not a dang Pokémon
Kirby vs ball guy
That master ball whould not have worked in the first place since kirby isn't a pokemon
Pikachu winner
Inaccurate kirby would eat it
Not bad.
Master Kirby