Donkey Kong kidnapped Amy Rose! Will Sonic the Hedgehog rescue her in time?
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Find all the Dr Robotnik Eggman hidden in the video!
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Music by:
Enrico de Trizio
Sonic vs Donkey Kong
by Lokman Video
#Sonic #Eggman #Lokman
That was shit
Sonic is now depressed
Why does sonic sound like zach braff?
Bit overkill Sonic…..
0:10 0:54 1:14 1:32
a thank you would have been nice Amy
I found Dr robotnic in the back ground
Really nice
Roo hg bxoa sonic vhls
i see eggman
I never felt so bad for sonic
dr robotnic
Pobre sonic
My favorite shadow
0:10 I saw dr eggman
0:49 dr eggman
1:27 R.I.P Sonic
why eggman flying in the distens
0:10 robotnik
0:49 robotnik
0:55 robotnik
Rip donky kong 1 like= poor donky kong
Donky kong: #WASTED#
Sonic #busted#
welp… Sonic will never gets old… cause its been MANY YEARS!
Wtf Sonic
What was the point of that?
Amy runing of Sonic wath?
I saw eggman!
Pobre sonic
hes sonic.exe
I got Dr robotnik???? 0:50
did anyone see dr eggman??????
He is serial killer
Fucking Sonamy
lok man i see egg man
That's modern Amy and classic sonic.. what
I saw eggman 3 times
I FOUND DR. ROBOTNIK!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found Dr eggman in the back
Wait A Second! Did You Saw Eggman After Amy Rose Ran Away?
I see eggman
Olleketal si aces uno deestos pero con tanos☺
1:27 Rip sonic 1 like=one friend for sonic wait tails is sonics friend but for more
Come on Amy He has extra lives!
1:33 can you see the Dr.Robotnik (Eggman)
Oh Sonic. I thought you didn't WANT Amy around you. So why are you sad? 😛
لماذا ايمى تخاف من سونيك الكلاسيكيى لماذا ايمى تحب سونيك
Hey no more blackshit please
I Found Hidden Egman
Ok amy asusta Sonic
1:26 the end music makes it perfect
please stop these scenes where sonic uses the spindash and kills the other and blood comes out (not talking about stopping the other using the spindash i'm saying kill the other as if it were a chainsaw)
Should have used sonic advance sonic.
Why would sonic be sad if Amy was freaked out he should be happy he doesn’t have to deal with her anymore
Fond him
I watch you for 10 seconts
That isn't how you write sonic…
Why isn't sonic running from amy
I find all dr robotniks
L o line
this was a joke. i actually wasn’t dead
Classic sonic and modern amy ?
Sonic: Hey you artificial ape, I’m right here!!!
Speaking of which, but we're just letting you guys know.
found egg-man 0:11
All that for nothing Poor Sonic.
IM FOUND DR.EGGMANNNN babyyyyy oh grau Baby im found
Robotnik should be fighting not flying around.
At the end. DINIED
Por que o Sonic clássico parecia estar sempre irritado?
1:24 reverse Sonic
Amy is so ungrateful
This is out of context