Super Mario VS Super Mario for the ultimate battle royale animation!
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Animated by Maniac Mizuto
Music by Tee Lopes
Outro theme by Tater-Tot Tunes:
Outro animation by Lokman
Super Mario Bros. BATTLE ROYALE
by Lokman Video
#Spritars #SuperMario #Lokman
Você poderia fazer parceria com o level up
i like Mario
Nintendo: unacceptableeeee!
Muito bom lembrar a minha infância
Love u bro
Great animation
13th comment
Go Subseribe to LOKMAN
I'm sorry for your luggage
This was a game but nintendo shut it down
Live in sonic mania
Great video
Wait Collab animation
Cool Videos
Lol that was awesome kids were laughing XD
the starman effect gave me an epilepsy attack
What the f**k !
Why is there a whole bunch of Mario
I can see to Mario's are working together
My bad they not
subscribe to LOKMAN HE SO GOOD I HOPE HE Reach 10 million subs
I like how Mario sees himself as his enemy. Good video Lokman. Also, do you know Mario Party 5? If yes who would you like me to play as in Story mode Mario Party 5? (Please go to any of my recent videos and comment there!)
Hey lokman did you ever get your luggage back
Mario's genocide!
Always sub to lokman and he needs lots of subs he needs 10 million subs to get his next play button
Congratulations lokman for 1M subscribe
Scusa loky chi é o cos'é spritars?
Good battle royale.
Lokman! Lokman! Lokman! Lokman! Lokman! Lokman!
Sorry I'm cheering for you!
NSMBW was the original Battle Royal.
Proud of you
Short but had fireballs?
Che bello❤
Cool 😀
Amazing Battle Royale 10 out of 10
What is that music?
Great animation
Can you subscribe 1.3sub.and like 7000
Dorkly has become very lazy compared to this
Why gumbino stop?
A Mario Royale is real!
Subseribe to LOKMAN Yes or No.
I see you like the outro, yes? Very nice. Love the video!
0:36 the marios are gay
Splendid as always.
Basically this is a nerfed version of the Mario Royale game.
When i see mario in real life he will be like MAMAH!
Mario: Mama Mia why is there a bunch of me's?
Me: wait a minute who's the real mario?
not royal
Please do:
If Goombas and Koopas jump and never die
Battle royale.
Why is everything so wrong? The "?" blocks dont flash, small fire Mario, and the flag doesnt start at the bottom.
Hi guys check out my new video
Bowsers family vacation
Please like and subscribe
Wow this is the most kid filled comment section since FGTV
Lokman you cool guy
Nice videos lokman keep it up
Level up already did this
My favorite character on this channel is Uganda Knuckles. Can you make an episode with him?
I wonder, why the fire flower slides and why Mario is so dark
Lokman İs Turkish Name
Which mario will survive
DO NOT MOT 9-30-19
Awesome piece of content. Keep up the great work! :))
another good.job
3:52 What's Music?
I haven't found one of these tracks anywhere. It's a shame, because the are very nice.
4:21 when LOKMAN and Spritas make a PiXeL rEvOlUtIoN and an awesome youtube team
Small fire mario : exists
Me: wait that's illegal
I hope you had Scribed to Look Man
These Mario’s Are cool Bros
Request: Super Luigi [BATTLE ROYALE]
What was that underground music, i love it
A new one on me. You come up with some weird and wonderful ideas, that's for sure. OK, you were in Pacman's Maze in one video, and then wound up in the worlds of Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog. I can imagine you lost in Dream Land. Kirby is determined to help you find a way home.
so, uhm… "Super Mario Bros. 35" happened