Goku vs Super Mario for the ultimate battle in the mushroom kingdom, who will win this amazing fight?
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Dragon Ball Z world vs Super Mario world for the first time!
Are you ready for this epic animation?
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Animated by Maniac Mizuto
Super Mario vs Goku Animation
by Lokman Video
#Dragonball #Mario #Lokman
nice job
locman this game winner is goku
That kamehameha looked amazing
You should have made it 4 star ball and not 5 star ball, Goku would have more reason to get it.
Maybe a Evil Goku?..
Black in diferente Time-Lines xD
*if you watch Dbs will understand xD
Nevermind that was me
STUPID ASSHOLE GUKO! Saitama will punch him DEAD
Mario: why you bully me
Goku would've never started the fight in the first place. He would only attack if someone posed a threat to him or his friends or Earth.
it's funny when you think about it Mario has been revived more times than Goku when you consider all the you know game over Mario has gotten
Goku just tried to be Vegeta
Fat italian plumber vs god kk
R.I.P logic also I though that this was "dragon ball vs Mario" ,not
Mario get his ass kickedO o o overkill
If we’re being real that punch alone would’ve ended everyone in mario
Goku being pure racist right now
Wow. That was…. brutal.
Seriously, why was Goku such a jerk here?
This is why Dragon ball characters should only be IN DRAGON BALL PLACES.
and others animes but thats besides the point-
Goku was very well animated
Bowser has mushroom kingdom insurance… at least I hope.
He'll remember that for dayzzzzzzzzz
That goku sprite is so damn cool!!
tiene mas acción que dragon Ball súper
Goku Doesn't Kill And Attack A Guys Who Is Weaker Than Him Also Goku isn't Brutal he Killed Frieza With one Hand KAMEHAMEHA Cuz Frieza Forced him And The Look Of Goku's Face He Didn't Like want He Did Also in Goku's Mind Was Goku's Mind: Maybe i over did it
When your mom tells you to let your Lil bro play
Super Mario VS Naruto Uzumaki Please!
Finalmente um vídeo que faz sentido nesse canal diferente do resto que é baldi vs sonic mario e Pacman
Stop goku
ultra instinct mario
Goku would NEVER do that.
1:55 you can't see me
0:52 . Seriously?
Clean af and funny af man
I tought Goku was Nice and Purehearted and not a Brutal Saiyan
Goku wouldent be like That for a dragon ball…. But goku black would
Lets all face it:
Goku is stronger than Mario because anime.
Is this a joke? I mean there is no fucking contest its goku hands down.
I loved this, but It felt odd seeing goku be overly violent against people and creatures for no real reason. it didn't fit goku's personality. I think it would have been funnier if he was accidentally breaking stuff, not realizing his strength.
Bullshit goku lose to mario
Goku is more than powerful enough to destroy mario and bowser in hes base form in the begining of the sayan saga
Why is Mario invulnerable? Why did Goku shrink before getting to the flag? Why am I questioning the logic of content that has none?
He suppose to be a great ape ozaru
The Mega Mushroom should turn him into a great ape…
If you think about it Mario just needs to use the star or yoshi eats goku
I'm laughing so hard it's funny
That isn't goku-like
Goku no es asi dise hola
God if Goku was in smash
Goku is too nice to ever do this to a short fat Italian plumber
1:34 he won’t
Ok…Goku can't one shot bowser without being super saiyen
"The horror"
Goku isnt that heartles…
Good video, just Goku isn't that big of an asshole though. Beating up people far weaker than himself for no reason and no provocation, ignoring the princess who was a captive just because of the dragonball next to her and instant transmitting away without a word or care if she gets out or not…
Now if you replaced Goku with Vegeta… you'd be right on the money with the personality and attitude then. LoL
Why goku is unnecessary beating mario
mario is so innocent, why did goku fight him
do nada o goku chega e daa porada em todo mundo kkkkkkkkk
Why, Goku is unilaterally strong on any parody
PLEASE make a part two with cappy cause why not
Goku this agressive :U
Goku is soo aggressive
Mi video favorito,gracias LOKMAN,me suscribire a este canal/My favourite video,thanks LOKMAN,i will subscribe to this channel
PD:Soy fan de Dragón ball y mi personaje favorito es Goku/I''m a Dragon ball fan and my favourite character is Goku
Wow un corazoon,graciaas LOKMAN eres el primer youtuber en darme un corazón,muchisimas gracias LOKMAN,me podrias dar un saludo por favor en el siguiente video por favor?,si lo haces te dare este corazon ❤,una cosa antes de irme,podrias hacer una colaboración con Level Up por favor?muchas gracias
Prefiero quedarme con el mama f#$ker q con mama mía!
They always make Goku look like an arsehole
Mario: Okay Lokman, who is overpowering my game now?
Pipe comes out of nowhere
Lokman: Son Goku
Goku: yo what's up
Mario: …. I wished Sega owned me O_O
so goku randomly punches an inicont plumber that wants to save the kingdom…
Goku comes out if nowhere me
What the hell
Why isn’t mario turning small after getting hit by goku?? Lol
MARIO:Ah shit here we go again
Goku:You again?
Mario:Oh mamamia
everuone stares at goku
Goku defeated everyone
I think goku did go a little to overboard off
vvvvvvvvvv goj god
This goku is evil
#mario bros's god mode
Goku is my favorite character if Goku team up with Mario.
Mario – the horror
Mario can beat Goku. He has passive truth manipulation which Goku has no resistance to.
Goku just trashed Mario
there was a Filipino film about Super Mario fighting Goku from around the 70s
Goku y me Mario no dos
Realistically Mario would one shot Goku. Come at me fanboys.
Why Super Saiyan, he could stomp Bowser at Base Form