What If Super Mario Bros was too realistic? you will still play it?
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Piraña plants, Goombas and even Godzilla!
In this video we have everything you can imagine, a series of sketches about Super Mario Bros in different situations.
Check all my other videos on my channel and please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more cool stuff
Super Mario MEGA mushroom from:
If Super Mario was too realistic
by Lokman Video
Director / Story / Video editing / 3D and 2D animation / VisualFx:
Lokman Mouatamid
DOP and camera operator:
Richard Irving ▶ https://goo.gl/TXecSA
Audio editor and Sound design:
Daniel Cowell ▶ https://goo.gl/MGGjNj
Photographer and video assistant:
Sébastien Mesnage ▶ https://goo.gl/F1MzsS
Make up artist:
Laura Ireland
Super Mario and Bowser actors:v
Lokman Mouatamid
Special thanks:
Squeezed Media Ltd
Kay Fairclough
James Sims
David Cowell
And all other people who helped and supported this project!
Thank you for watching, please subscribe to my channel 😉
Woah Mario slow down on those shrooms 0:21
Cool vid, nice
taths really nice
Ma se sei italiano perché parli in Inglese?
Mario breathes fire like Bowser!!
What the hell!
Love this. Is there ever going to be a What if Super Mario was too realistic part 2?
Coloca legendado ou vou me desinscrever
Awesome effects!
Hey buddy, I'll make sure no comments stuff like "cancer", "cringe", or "bad video"
you r the best lokman
Oh man this is sooo cood
0:18 Ita:questo e quello che succede quando mangi dei funghi allucinogeni
Eng:this is what happen when eat a hallucinogen mushroom
Great video lok I love the animation and live action scenes
I love your videos LOKMAN. Please make more. 8-bit always.
Марио сам локман это локман
Still haven't unsubscribed.
Your animations make me laugh i love your channel and this video keep up the great worka nd btw make a video of sonic vs bowser
Lokman is cool :b
It really sucks that YT's algorithm doesn't much support your 1-3 minute videos because these are. AWESOME!
I LOVE yours vídeos lokman
Lochman sempre le solite cose? Principalmente i tuoi video parlano di Uganda knuckles o super Mario. E non solo, non è che ne inventi di nuovi, ti limiti a prendere degli estratti di tuoi video precedenti.
Io ti consiglio di fare qualcosa di diverso, dopo un po la gente si stanca
I think this was the best part of it XD
l love tour vídeo s
Super Mario got Super High!!!! LOL
You almost Getting 300K Subscribers LOKMAN
Godzilla mushroom xd
Super Mega Man Bros
Pacman vs Mega Man
If Samus Aran and Mega Man Switched Places
2:05 Hello bow sir!
Fantasia Esperienza Massima Raggiunta °°°
Stai migliorando lokman
Jsi jeden z nejšikulinkaťoulinkatějších šikulků. :))
Mario i kill you XD
You literally just copied this from another video
Do a ugandan knuckles and crash banicoot
Woah, the mushroom turned him 3d.
Awesome dude. I love a video with reality and cartoons
To jest dziwne
nice filler
Your new series is junk…….where real man come
Mama Mia!
mario was bowser in disguise? who knew?
Pls Do Pac-Man VS Roblox Or Minecraft Or…. SANIC TEH HOTDOG Aka Sonic Meme
do a part 2 where mario continues his gigantic adventure in bowser's castle and he returns to his normal size after the giant bowser battle.
title of the video:Super Mario MEGA mushroom 2
description of the video:Mario continues his gigantic adventure in Bowser's castle!
Great editing ,animation looks real
0:08 that's what she said
I cant believed i missed it!sorry LOK,I still like the video though
Mario, apparently, is the new Bowser but Mario doesn't suck as much.
Ok ora voglio mega-mario lottare contro mega bowser, spolliciate x farglielo leggere
Mario Big Mario Baldi Mario
Thats a little too mega
Lokman is da wae. da wae da wae da wae cmon meh bruddas
Wow! He is WAYYY too powerful!
Nice choice with the black overalls.
250K views in 4 minutes wow!!
Notice how the blog squishies the Goomba in 2D, but when you go back to 3D it's up in the air again
Mário avisa para o luide q ele está frito
Quali effetti usi? Specialmente per le fiamme.
It's a me a Mario kart I'm the game and garbage
Mario is a… GOD HACKER!!!
after he threw that giant block it returned to place?
Ma come hanno fatto a non darti ancora l'Oscar non capisco
It’s Godzilla !!!! RUN !!!!
Wait, it’s more like Mariozilla !
No goombas were harmed during the making of this video
Pls replay I like ur vid lokmans
0:42 FRAAANK your dead mario. i'll kill you i'll kill you
New movie coming up: Marzilla
Mario if he real