What If Super Mario Bros was too realistic? you will still play it?
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Piraña plants, Goombas and even Godzilla!
In this video we have everything you can imagine, a series of sketches about Super Mario Bros in different situations.
Check all my other videos on my channel and please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more cool stuff
Super Mario vs Piranha plant from:
If Super Mario was too realistic
by Lokman Video
Director / Story / Video editing / 3D and 2D animation / VisualFx:
Lokman Mouatamid
DOP and camera operator:
Richard Irving ▶ https://goo.gl/TXecSA
Audio editor and Sound design:
Daniel Cowell ▶ https://goo.gl/MGGjNj
Photographer and video assistant:
Sébastien Mesnage ▶ https://goo.gl/F1MzsS
Make up artist:
Laura Ireland
Super Mario and Bowser actors:v
Lokman Mouatamid
Special thanks:
Squeezed Media Ltd
Kay Fairclough
James Sims
David Cowell
And all other people who helped and supported this project!
Thank you for watching, please subscribe to my channel 😉
Lest go
Bruh this what would happen not Going to lie I love this video even tho it’s short
Where is the video of If Bowser and Ganondorf switched places?
Mario git gud.
Has otro de Uganda knucles
Bravo,Mi Piascie, ti ho dato diecì
Love these animations.
I love your videos. Please make more. 8-bit.
Wow Mario lokman please like I love you!
Oh wow
I love Mario and I like your video LOKMAN
hey lokman can you do Uganda knuckles vs white tanooki Mario,hyper sonic,sanic and weegee
Hmmm…..this looks familiar….
awesome video
The piranha plant is giving the good succ
Funny but also scary
I love your channel but you just reuse the same thing and it's getting old
This was my favorite scene tbh XD
This phirana plant must be in smash 5
Creepy :O
Gj 🙂
He eat mario
My Bruddahs, its The Commander!!
You’re the next Gamemaster94089
Lokman is da wae mai broda :v
This is literally reused content. Not even different.
Not there not right there it hurts there piranha plant why it hurts
Janitor: "Okay Who Spilled Ketchup Again?!"
This is cool #LOKMANISCOOL
Nice can you make tutorial for this 🙂
Кто русский?
Oh god
I still want to know how you make you being dragged
Lokman… is… de wae! da wae! da wae! da wae!
Nei videogiochi sono molto più tranquille
poor mario (lokman)
this fimilar
Lokman is your name?
Song link pls
That was very funny
Oh well mario mario WE NEED A SERGION TO GET MARIO OUT ._.
I love it best
Scared the crap out a me at the end, even though u was prepared
R.I.P Mario
Lol for real
Life Lesson learned:When Mario sees a pipe say no,
wtf? ._.
Something with megaman
You can make an animated film on YouTube for a length of about an hour and a half with Mario Sonic Nakles and Pac Man
Atleast it isn’t ungandan knuckles
Super Mega Man Bros
Pacman vs Mega Man
If Mario and Mega Man Switched Places
LOKMAN MAKE MEGA MAN PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good video
Lok always does a good job when he means to or not
Sei italiano?
Lokman sei italiano, vero?
Best fight in history
Wait what happened
Lokman is the way master
Your so ugly, change mario
Jsi jeden z nejšikulinkaťoulinkatějších šikulků. :))
Plant Win
Piranha plant win
Ack! You scared me! 🙂
This is bad
Is there going to be a compilation of these?
what did i just watch??
presses right and then A yay I did it
Fake mario
Thank you sakurai, Thank you
Now it’s gonna be real in smash bros
Smash ultttimate (2019, colorized)
good vore
wait where are the dots
Thank you for talking about piranha plant before smash
Wow! These are some cool visual effects right there! I liked it!
Jsi jeden z nejšikulinkaťoulinkatějších šikulků z celého Šikulkova na celém šikulkovském světě. 🙂