Pacman Ghost CALAMITY

Pacman vs Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde in a very funny animation.
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Characters and Music by Namco/Lokman

Pacman retro music by Enrico de Trizio

Outro theme by Tater-Tot Tunes:

Produced by LOKMAN VIDEO

#Spritars #pacman #ghost


  1. 1. How Can They (Blinky And Clyde) Grow By Eating Cherries? (PAC-Man Doesn’t Grow, And He Eats Those Fruits, Not Any Of The Ghosts!) <—> Also How Can Any Of The Ghosts (Not Just Pinky) Harden To A Rock After Pac-Man Eats The Nearest Power Pellet? (To Break His Mouth / Teeth?)

    2. Since When Can Blinky, + Inky Change Into PAC-Man? (Only In The Arcade: Not Just “Dave & Busters”… Is Where You Can Play With Multicolored Pac-Man!)

    3. How Can That Happen? (Only The Ghosts Turn Dark Blue When Pac-Man Eats The Power Pellets!) <—> Dies Mostly In Yellow Color! (Not Blue!)

    4. Why Weren’t There Any Ghosts? (Even So, How Can Blinky Hide In The Final Pellet?) <—> Once Pac-Man Eats Every One Before The Last (No Matter What Part Of The Maze You’re In…), That 1 Doubles In Size To Be “Too Big” For Pac-Man, Then Toss Him Out Of The Maze?

    5. Where Did The Clones Of Pac-Man Appear? (There’s Mostly 1 In All Games From 1980 – 2020!) <—> 40th Anniversary Comes October!

    6. How Can The Ghosts Eat The Dots? (It’s Pac-Man Only!) <—> Why Did Pac-Man Choose To Break Through The Maze? (Ragequit Mode?)

    7. Ms. Pac-Man (Not “Pac-Woman”?) Had Her Only Game In 1981! (Alas, Why Did They Kiss… Before She Was Disguised As Clyde, Then Pac-Man Does That?!)

    For #1… I Was Meant To Say “An Apple (Blinky) And A Cherry (Clyde)”!

  2. Ghost powerups
    Super mushroom from mario
    Ghosts grow twice occupying even more space in size but lose half of speed Blinky cannot benefit from speed increase
    Also if power pellet is used they instantly degrade back but not turn blue
    Charged blaster from Megaman the Ghosts will charge a blast depending on them
    – Red uses stun charge ,shoots at pacman
    – Blue uses control twist ,shoots randomly
    – Orange uses pushing charge can be fatal if crushed with wall ,shoots randomly
    – Pink uses slowing down charge ,shoots in front of her in regular intervals shot create goo on space

    Only 2 of them can have this and also they appear random Who get it at start and when more Ghosts die during blue mode
    They get disarmed if power pellet is active close to pacman

    Invincibility state
    Random ghost get speed boost, and also are invincible even power pellet wont beat them
    Only 1 can have it appear randomly at start of game
    Invincibility sometimes change its user

  3. C1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣5️⃣6️⃣7️⃣8️⃣9️⃣0️⃣1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣1️⃣⬆️8️⃣8️⃣*️⃣9️⃣8️⃣8️⃣8️⃣7️⃣8️⃣8️⃣8️⃣8️⃣8️⃣9️⃣9️⃣9️⃣9️⃣


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