Pacman and Sonic the Hedgehog in a new epic isometric battle vs the Ghosts and a new boss!
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Outro theme by Tater-Tot Tunes:
Produced by LOKMAN VIDEO
#Spritars #Sonic #Pacman
Wow! It’s pacman with limbs.yeah! Also yey! Pac-mania ghosts and HOLY CRAP! SPOOKY FROM PACMAN WORLD 2 IS HERE
This is the best pacman and sonic crossover video i ever saw!
looks cool!
Pac-man robot was super cool
Imagine if Sonic was in a baseball game playing team Mario and he would run very fast to the bases.
I just love how sonic and Pac man wait for the ghosts to consume the chaos crystals so it would be harder to kill them…
Epic battles, Epic video, Epic Channel!
Did you put modern sonic instaed of classic sonic but good video
Awesome work on this!
Eu aqui assistindo esse canal maravilhoso
A very flawless and unique animation,it was definitely worth my time,this man works harder than most animators so I hope this video gets all of the attention it deserves.
Very awesome.
Song is a scam bot
Really cool u should make another part or somthin
I really love when people do battle animations like this one, I don’t see much of them, and this just makes my day to see these kinds of animations!
Ristar and sash lilac need this croosover
I guess there's hint on sequel with Mario.
Wow cool animation, you make animation look so easy , also I just sub and keep up the great work
u deserve more attention
I played the old Sonic games, the old Mario games, and the very very old PAC Man games.
This video, brings me back!
Tell you, how old I am.
5:28 memories folding back
Awesomeness 1000
4:44 I make a custom sprite of Ghost Mobiles in Sonic Style. Because i played Pacman World 2 and that was one of my favourite game of the Pacman World's Trilogy.
I was like wait spooky 0_0 childhood flashbacks <3 oh oh oh no my heart ^_^- thank you so much
Spritars is only for Kids???
Can you make kirby vs videos
I now don’t like this
5:50 trampa
This is the best animation
A fantastic Pac-Man sprite animation that features his current design, more ghosts than the original 4 as well as transformations from Arrangement?! SIGN ME UP!! Also, Sonic's there which makes it even better!
Glad to be friends with Sonic! After all, he game me speed shoes for my anniversary!
Now Who next? Pac-Man and Sonic vs Dr eggman and Erwin?
Lso99##9))2+4*:+4*)*:)*0+#*63331111111167664637641997676737664606034949634373033037?;*6666+2???????????????????????????& Sonic 3&kunukles?&
Hit Ed65e. also vf()<go doc rp/ /*
wow the animation is so cool
I have a video idea! What if youtubers was super Mario bros
0:09 pac man rhrjrrjrjrjr
This video is soo far the best the team Spritars didd gg guys
0:50 HAHAHA! That guy got hit in the head with a coconut!
Its like segasonic
He fast :d
Itso Good
can you make sonic stuck in minecraft
are u serious?! i have a pac-man doll and finding a sonic doll i might copy u using my dolls
already i'm also serching a mario doll, that will combine into LOKMAN's video of mario & sonic vs pacsonic
i like sonic and little bit of pac-man 20% like pac-man 90% like sonic
Man i cant talk how you have mind and work to made a legendary cobination and epic battles i like this work,and you use the original power of characters,anothers animators use dragon ball power and naruto power in sonic or mario…,but i talk two words Great Work.
It's so cool
Wat is spritars?
I come only for pac man
and I was satisfied
The sega sonic arcade sprites! 😀
Does it like a Crash Bandicoot?
Spitars better than Pixelcraftian
Pac mania ghost in sonic world with pacman Aswsome
it's on 3D
My 2 main fighters
Pacman and sonic friends 🙂
Rafinha gosta dê-se vídeo do YouTube
like is likePanic pere from Pac-Man vsPac-Man vs Blinky inky pinky and funky
How to get sprite
imagine if this was a real game
What 16 bit okay
Pac Man tu mejor amigo
Batman está en su mundo y soni llegó aquí
I need a game about this.
those are pac mania ghosts